4. Engine Configuration

The main configuration file of the engine is the engine_config.yml file, but the name can be changed if the configuration file is passed as command line option (As explained in Engine Installation & Execution). However, the file should be always a yml file. In this file, you configure everything related the engine execution, but nothing about the external connectors neither conversation rules (except in which folder they are located).

4.1. External Connectors Connection

ZeroMQ & Encryption

Starting from the basics, the first thing you need to configure is the ZeroMQ communication for the external connectors. You should tell if you wish to encrypt the connection with the already encryption functionality. Depending on what you do, there are two results:

  • If you enable it, the connection between the engine and the external connectors will encrypted using RSA as asymmetric algorithm to exchange the session key, and the symmetric algorithm will be ChaCha20-Poly1305. Lope has mutual authentication for every exchange of messages, the engine authenticates to the external connectors in this context via a cryptographic signature using RSA-PSS and SHA-512. So, the engine_auth_code is transformed first into a SHA 512 digest, and then, signed using RSA-PSS. This is sent to the external conenctors every time to prove they are talking with the expected engine (and they know this because this engine_auth_code is in their configuration file as well). The external connectors authenticate against the angine by providing their passwords as hashes using BLAKE2b. Since the messages are encrypted, the hash is always shared encrypted.

  • If you do not enable it, then the communication is not encrypted but still there is a mutual authentication in place for the external connectors and the engine. The engine_auth_code then is transformed using BLAKE2b and this is sent to the external connectors. In this scenario, they authenticate using BLAKE2b.


Keep in mind that in the second scneario (not enable the engine_auth_code field), the content of the messages are visible by third parties, including the authentication hashes.

Below, you can find the part of the configuration file for the networking part:

   # 0MQ Server
      port: 5555
      ipv6 : no # use ipv6? yes/no (default)

      # For the connections between external connectors
      # and the engine
      engine_auth_code: no # yes/no(default)

      # Minimum possible value is 2048
      rsa_key_lengt: 4096 # default value

      # for the hash code sent to external connectors
      # to ensure they are talking with right engine
      engine_auth_code: "Y0_s0y_0zym4nd14s_r3y_d3_r3y3s!"

External Connectors Groups & Conversation Rules

One the ZeroMQ connection is configured, then the next step is to configure the external connectors groups and what conversation rules to use. In order to deliver conversation rules to the external connectors, we need to introduce the concept of groups. All external connectors belong to one group. If it is not explicitly defined, then the default group is used. In the picture below you can find a grahical description of this idea.


Therefore, you can assign different conversation rules to different external connectors, according to the groups they belong. This is configured in the configuration file as follows:

# configuration about the external connectors,
# depending on the group they belong.
# if they belong to some specific group,
# the corresponding conversation rules are loaded
# The group is described in the conversation rules file
  # not include the final '/', do not use '.'.
  # For using the current folder, use only this ""
    path: "/conv_rules"
    is_relative_path: yes

  # reload the conversation files every time a new external connector
  # connect with the engine, instead of using the ones loaded
  # at the start of the engine (cache copy). This allows to modify
  # the configuration files at engine runtime.
  reload_conv_rules_in_new_contact: yes # yes/no(default)

  # configuration about the number of external connectors
  # and external conenctor workers (threads)
  max_number_of_workers: 200 # pool size
  max_number_of_external_connectors_connected: 15

  # This is the password for those external connectors that
  # do not belong to any group, they will use the
  # 'default conversation rules'
  default_secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t0!"

    # one example group
    - id: "test_client"
        - id: "ExtConTest_Client"
          secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t01!"

    # other example group
    - id: "test_server"
        - id: "ExtConTest_Server"
          secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t02!"

    # other example group
    - id: "test_neo2"
        - id: "ExtConTest4"
          secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t03!"

    # other example group
    - id: "B"
        - id: "ExtConX"
          secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t04!"

        - id: "ExtConY"
          secret: "3sT0_3S_s3Cr3t05!"

As you can see, you configure the list of groups, with their respective external connectors members with their passwords. You also configure the default password for those external connectors that do not belong to any group and they can autogenerated IDs. Additionally, you can configure where are the conversation rules files, the max number of external connectors connected at the same time, as well as the max number of external connector worker threads to use.

4.2. Engine Logging

Other important part to configure is the logging of the engine. It leverage the capabilities of zerolog library, and there are different possibilities for logging:

  • Console logging: The logs are only showed via the terminal, and they can be human friendly if the console_human_friendly is enabled (this is applicable in any option that use the console).

  • File logging: The logs are saved in JSON format

  • Console & file logging: Logs are saved in a file, as well as shown via console.

  • File logging with log rotation: In this case, the logs are rotated in several files depending on the configuration parameters.

  • Console & file with log rotation: Logs are saved in several files as described in the previous point, as well as shown via console.

The created log files have the following name structure: slv_engine_%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.log (example: 2022-August-25_7:3:39.log). But the prefix and file extension can be changed in the configuration file. If the specified log folder does not exist, it will be created.

  # log level, one of the following: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO (default),
  level: "DEBUG"

  # log mode: CONSOLE (default), FILE, BOTH, FILE_ROTATING or

  # https://github.com/rs/zerolog#add-file-and-line-number-to-log
  show_logger_caller: no # yes/no (default)

  # https://github.com/rs/zerolog#pretty-logging (yes/no)
  console_human_friendly: yes

  # to create a different thread for adding information in
  # the logs at the time of logging,
  async_logs: no # (yes/no)

  # not include the final '/', do not use '.'
  # For using the current folder, use only this ""
    path: "/logs"
    is_relative_path: yes

  # Log file name utils
  log_prefix: "" # if not used, it will be 'slv_engine'
  log_extension: "" # if not used, it will be '.log'

  # log rotation
  log_rotation_max_size: 20 # MB
  log_rotation_number_files: 5
  log_rotation_max_number_days: 180 # days
  log_rotation_compress: yes # yes/no(dafult)

4.3. Other Engine Configuration Options

You can configure the size of the go channels used to send message among engine threads, as well as some timing for the general time out of the engine, or the time to wait before stopping the execution to give some time to get the last information of the external connectors and process it. Here you can find how to configure those aspects:

# configuration about the Go channels
  # size of the buffer of the GO communication channels
  engine_cockpit_buffer: 30
  ext_conn_manager_buffer: 30
  ext_conn_manager_worker_channel_buffer: 30
  data_service_buffer: 30
  alerting_service_buffer: 30

# configuration about times
  # seconds (86400s = 24h), '0' means no timeout
  engine_timeout: 0 # seconds (86400s = 24h), '0' means no timeout

  # Time to wait until all ending activities are done before
  # doing the shutdown
  engine_ending_waiting_time: 15 # seconds.

In this file, the persistance capabilities of Lope, and the integration with different alerting systems is also configured. However, this is explained in Activity Alerting & Storage